Shamanic Energy medicine
Shamanic Energy Medicine empowers you to release repetitive patterns and change limiting beliefs so that you can start living your highest destiny now. This practice includes ancient wisdom teachings, healing techniques and sacred ceremonies along with modern science discoveries in the areas of neuroscience, biology and psychology. These are profoundly healing and transformative practices that clear out negative imprints and energies from your luminous energy field, release past traumas, retrieve and integrate fragmented parts of your soul, and more. The Shamanic path helps you hear your own voice, connect with your inner wisdom and align with your soul’s journey.
By clearing and harmonizing your luminous energy body, you will:
heal your physical body more quickly and effectively
release old stories, past limiting beliefs and repetitive patterns
move through life’s transitions and challenges with more grace and ease
listen more deeply to your inner knowing or guidance system
live your life from a place of power, wisdom and grace
““We are souls dressed up in sacred biochemical garments and our bodies are the instruments through which our souls play their music.””
Clearing Your Energy Field: Illuminations remove negative energy imprints from this life, past lives and from within generations, thus improving the quality and health of your luminous energy field. This work can also clear and heal the imprints and pre-dispositions of physical disease or emotional issues before they manifest.
Removing Obstacles: The Decoupling process helps to heal the fight, flight and freeze response that we can often get stuck in due to stress or trauma. Resetting your nervous system helps you relax, feel safe and tap into your body’s innate ability to heal. Extraction work removes invasive, stuck energies (both fluid and crystallized) and entities that can cause illness and pain. Cord cutting severs energetic cords that are blocking you or holding you back.
Reclaiming Your Wholeness: Soul Retrievals restore lost or misplaced spiritual power and life force energy, generally caused by a trauma, illness or other difficult life event. Power Animal Journeys connect you with a fundamental source of ego-less energy, protection, guidance and support and a greater awareness of who you are and how you can live your most balanced life. Journeying for Your Guides gives you conscious access to incredible wisdom, support and guidance in your life.
Co-Creating Your Destiny: Destiny Retrievals bring into focus your highest destiny at this moment so that you can be drawn in that direction.
Journey Beyond Death: The Recapitulation process helps you become lighter through forgiveness and understanding for your journey beyond death. The Seven Chakra Illumination deeply resets and clears any heavy energies from your luminous energy field so that you can die consciously. The Great Death Spiral, given when you pass, releases your energy field for its journey home.
“Soul retrieval is the definitive healing modality in spirit medicine because it affords a reunion of dissociated soul part(s) with the person’s life essence, thereby allowing individuals to have more of themselves available to live their lives in the present moment.”
Every session is specifically designed for you, drawing on a unique blend of healing modalities to address your particular needs and to facilitate coherence, stability and radiance in your energy field.
EDEN energy medicine
Stimulates your natural healing abilities and repatterns your energy systems to support you to live from your wisest and most radiant self.
energy psychology
Releases old stories and limiting beliefs so that you can live creatively, aligned to your soul’s wisdom.
Kira is a Healer's Healer-
As a seasoned shaman in plant and energy medicine, guiding countless individuals through their healing, I understand the crucial need for healers to seek healing themselves. It's imperative for me to choose wisely who I entrust with my own energy healing, aware of its profound impacts and potential risks. Kira stands out as my chosen healer, instrumental in my personal evolution for years. Her sessions consistently deliver remarkable outcomes. Beyond seeking her expertise for my healing, I confidently refer individuals to her, recognizing when they might benefit more from her unique approach
- Zach P. Chattanooga, USA
“We may think that we want to confront these lost parts of our psychology, we’re taught to analyze those aspects of ourselves, but in soul retrieval, we neither dissect nor deny these lost soul parts — instead, we acknowledge and heal them, and integrate them back into the whole of our being. Once that part of your soul is recovered, you need to help her mature and grow up feeling safe. You need to attend to her, nurture her, and make room for her in your life.”