Health Basics
Health Basics
Much of health comes down to some simple basics: sleep well, eat real food, supplement where needed, reduce stress and actively relax, exercise, detox, stay connected with friends and family, find what fulfills you, and finally, balance and strengthen your energy systems!
It seems to be human nature for us to want the ONE THING that will give us abundant health, longevity and vitality, whether that is a diet, a certain exercise plan, or a specific breathing exercise. However, when I have studied older people who are healthy and vibrant, they seem to pay attention to most of the above, in their own individual ways. And that is key, to find out your way of connecting to health habits that fit for you and serve your own uniqueness. The above list is not complete, nor am I intending to give a definitive answer to the question of how to be healthy. My intention is to bring awareness to what I feel are essential aspects of health and give you some ideas so that you can explore what works for you. And most of all, don't take any of this too seriously, laughter is the best medicine!
Of all the factors that contribute to poor health, stress is one of the most damaging. Stress contributes to weight gain, high blood pressure, immune suppression, heart disease, hormone imbalance and inflammation (which can lead to diabetes, cancer and more). The stress response is important for saving our lives but it is not meant to be turned on for most of the day on a daily basis. However, being 'stressed out' has become normal in our culture. As a result, it is essential that we incorporate stress reducing practices into our lives.
Here are a few ways:
Meditation: Meditation is one of the best methods for calming your mind. Sitting quietly for even 5 minutes a day and watching your breath and being aware of the stillness will change your life. There are also great apps that you can download with guided meditations such as Insight Timer or Headspace.
Exercise: 20-30 minutes a day. Walk, swim, go to the gym, bike or ski...(more on that later)
Practice Yoga or Qi Gong
Belly Breath....inhale through your nose down into your belly for a count of 2-4 and then exhale through your mouth for a longer count, such as 3-5.
TW Smoothie: A wonderful energy exercise to calm down your system. Hold your hands over your eyes and take a deep breath in and out. Take a breath in and smooth over your eyes to your temples. Breath out. Breath in and smooth around your ears, down to the back of your neck. Breath out. Breath in. Breath out and smooth your hands over to your heart and breath here for a couple of breaths.
Gratitude...stop throughout your day and notice what you are grateful for...and feel it....the mountains, your family, your health etc...being in gratitude is an amazing stress reducer.
Energy Medicine and Energy Psychology (such as EFT) are some of the best stress reducers!
When we learn to relax, we have time to really enjoy this beautiful life we have the privilege of living.
Align with the Earth’s Energy
Aligning yourself with the Earth's energies and grounding yourself is essential for your health. When we are in harmony with the Earth's energies, we allow excess energy to leave our bodies (excess energies can cause inflammation, pain and illness), and we bring in beautiful Yin energy to strengthen our systems. By grounding, we are doing so much to support and maintain our health.
Here are some simple exercises to help you align and ground:
Rub a kitchen spoon along the bottom of your feet. I know it sounds strange but this will align the polarity of your body with the Earth's polarity so that you attract the Earth's energies. Use a spoon that would stick to a small magnet (not a silver spoon).
Open your "feet chakras" by massaging and stretching your heel away from the ball of your feet. Massage your feet gaits and squeeze along the sides of your feet.
Get your feet on the Earth! If it is warm outside, place your bare feet on Mother Earth (for at least 15 minutes) and soak in all that healing energy!
Eating Well
Eating well is essential for health. Again, each person has individual needs so if you have concerns in this area, go to a Functional Medicine practitioner or Holistic Nutritionist. However, some basics are the following: eat a mostly organic plant-based diet. At the very least, check out for their list of the top foods that need to be organic (the Dirty Dozen). Fill your plate with vegetables that are the colour of the rainbow. For animal protein, eat grass-fed, hormone free meats. Make sure you include healthy fats like avocado, salmon and nuts. Drop the sugar and limit processed foods and refined carbs. If you have gastro-intestinal issues or inflammation, look at the main culprits of gluten, dairy and soy. And drink lots of filtered or spring water, particularly if you live in a dry climate like Canmore. Finally, eat slowly, chew your food, and savour the flavours. Most importantly, enjoy your food and fully receive the nutrition and nourishment from each bite.
Energy Tidbit: Tap your Spleen Points directly below your nipples on your ribs after you eat to help you metabolize your food.
My Take on Supplements
There is so much information about supplementation and here is my take on this subject. First, eat nutrient dense, real food. Then add a good Omega 3 oil if you don't eat lots of wild salmon, mackerel, sardines, flax seeds etc. Omega 3 oil is excellent for brain health! Supplementing with Vitamin D if you live in Canada or another country that is not close to the equator is a good idea. If you have any sleep issues, try taking magnesium in the evening. Our soil is quite depleted in magnesium so we are often in need of this essential mineral. A good multivitamin is a solid reassurance but again, nothing beats a nutritious diet of organic food. For specific issues, consult an energy medicine practitioner as they can test your supplements or teach you to test them yourself. I am also a fan of turmeric to help with inflammation but I prefer to throw a chunk of turmeric in my morning juice than to take a pill. You can spend excessive amounts of money on supplementation, so energy testing for what you need is highly recommended.
The Importance of Sleep
Sleep is essential for health and well-being! I cannot emphasize enough the importance of sleep. It is astonishing to me how many people struggle with sleep and assume that is normal. Common...yes, but Lack of sleep has been reported to increase your risk of disease, shrink your brain, lower your sex drive, cause weight gain, mood swings, depression and even premature death. If you are not sleeping between 8-10 hours and feel generally well rested, here are some tips.
1) Get to bed between 9:00 - 10:00 pm.
2) Try to wake up at the same time each morning.
3) Turn off all screens: TVs, computers, smartphones etc 1-2 hours before going to bed. I know that is hard for some but it makes a huge difference! If this is not possible, get blue light reducing glasses for work/screen time in the evening.
4) Make your bedroom a sacred space. Do not argue or discuss heated issues in the bedroom. Remove all TVs, computers and phones and get a stand-alone alarm clock.
5) Darken your room as much as possible to shut out all light.
6) In the morning, stand outside for as little as 10 minutes (preferably 20 minutes) to get your circadian rhythm working well.
7) Do not consume caffeine (coffee, tea, cola, chocolate) after 2:00 pm (or noon for some).
8) Eat at least 2-3 hours before you go to sleep.
9) Take magnesium in the evening as this relaxes your muscles and helps with sleep.
The Importance of Social Connections
When it comes to our health, we know to eat well, exercise and get enough sleep but we often do not realize the importance of social connection in our lives. In one study, social connection was found to be a greater determinant to health than obesity, smoking or high blood pressure. In fact, social connection increases longevity, strengthens the immune system, helps you recover from disease faster and reduces anxiety, depression, and even suicidal behaviours. It also gives you higher self-esteem, greater empathy and helps you be more trusting and cooperative. In other words, social connection significantly affects your mental and physical health. Currently, social connection is waning in North America at an alarming rate, according to several studies. Part of the issue is that people think they are connected because they communicate with others on social media. However, there is a direct correlation between being more connected on social media and feelings of loneliness. We are inherently social creatures and we need real, in person, interactions with others. We need to feel understood and connected to people and to be physically in their presence.
If you need more social connection, here are some ideas:
1) Be active in your community
2) Don't text, email, or message someone. Instead, spend time with them or at the very least, phone them so that you can hear their voice
3) Volunteer
4) Join a club, social organization or a sports team
5) Take a class - pottery, yoga, dance, learn a language
5) Value the friends you already have and invest in them your energy, time and attention
6) When you are with someone, be willing to open up, actively listen to them, and share more of yourself
We live in a world where toxins are a reality. There are toxins in the air we breath, the water we drink, the food we eat and in our houses, places of work and so many other spaces we visit. This statement is not meant to put you into fear. Our bodies are quite capable of detoxifying and keeping us in robust health. That being said, with the added stress of our lives, sometimes our bodies need some help. It is important to do what we can to reduce or eliminate toxins and to support our bodies in the detoxification process. The subject of detoxing is pretty extensive, so I am simply suggesting a few things for you to consider.
1) Remove any mercury from your mouth in the form of silver amalgams
2) Filter your water with a proper filter system
3) Eat organic food as much as possible
4) Watch your seafood consumption and choose only those foods that are low in mercury
5) Use natural cleaning products and natural cosmetics
There are many foods and supplements that help you eliminate toxins like chlorella, charcoal, clay, ginger, beets, cilantro, garlic, broccoli sprouts, green tea, mung beans and parsley among others. And support your liver, kidneys and skin as these are your main organs of detoxification. Start each morning by squeezing half a lemon in some warm water and adding a dash of apple cider vinegar...sip on an empty stomach. Drink lots of clean water. Repeated use of an infrared sauna is also an excellent way of eliminating toxins. These are only a few ideas and my intention is really to get you to think about how to reduce the intake of toxins in your life and how to support your body to eliminate the toxins that you can't avoid.
What can boost your immune system, reduce your risk of certain cancers and chronic diseases, lower your blood pressure, reduce bad cholesterol, cut incidence of Type 2 diabetes, slow the aging process and even combat depression and reduce anxiety? AND help you achieve a healthy weight and look fantastic? EXERCISE! Moving your body does all that and more. There has been much about high intensity training as a highly effective way of increasing your fitness by burning fat, combating cancer and metabolic syndrome, and reducing inflammation in your body. I agree and yet, I personally think it is best to do what you enjoy and add variety so that you don't get bored. Try high intensity a couple times a week and then try something that is more yin in nature, like Yoga or Tai Chi. Add some spice and go to a dance or gym class. Have fun with friends and play a game of soccer, hockey or basketball. And get outside...going for a walk, bike, ski or run has the added benefits of you breathing in fresh air and connecting with Nature. You can work out with friends, attend a class or enjoy some solitude. Do what works for you, make it enjoyable, and the rewards will be many!
Get that Vitamin D
Sunshine! Get outside and soak it up! Sunshine increases our melatonin production which helping us sleep, strengthens our immune system, prevents cancer and alleviates depression. As well, a healthy dose of sunshine gives us our much needed Vitamin D. Be reasonable because you do not want skin damage but do get out there and enjoy the sun!
Laughter Heals
Laughter is really the best medicine! One of our energy systems is called the Radiant Circuits. These energies are known in traditional Chinese medicine as the "strange flows", the "extraordinary vessels" or the "collector meridians". But whatever their name, if these Radiant Circuits are humming in your body, they are a precious resource for healing because they can jump to wherever they are most needed. All the energy systems in your body are linked to them and along with providing healing where needed, they can change your future by orienting you towards joy rather than despair. The more we activate our Radiant Circuits, the more we can overcome resistant negative habits, let go of the past, achieve inner peace and discover radiance and joy in our lives! And guess what can turn them on?! Laughter, of course. A good belly laugh a day is essential medicine. So hang out with that funny friend, find humour in your everyday life, or watch a great comedy. When you are laughing, you are giving yourself the gift of health...and radiance! And if that just seems too difficult, go see an Energy Medicine practitioner because we have a number of techniques to help you activate those circuits.
Breathe and Free Your Diaphragm
It really feels like spring this weekend! As you get outside and enjoy the sunshine and fresh air, remember to breath deep down into your lower belly and allow your ribs to expand outwards. Just 5 to 10 full, gentle breaths, several times a day, can do wonders for your health and vitality. Hold your hands right at your leg creases and see if you are breathing right to the bottom of your abdomen. As you breath, allow your diaphragm to expand, moving your ribs out. Inhale at a count of 4 and extend your exhalation to a count of 6. With stress, we tend to constrict our breathing, inhibiting our diaphragm from really expanding. This means that our diaphragm becomes quite conservative in distributing oxygen during a stressful time. This makes you susceptible to diseases. Illnesses like cancer cannot thrive in a well-oxygenated environment. So enjoy the spring air and breathe deeply, freeing your diaphragm.
The Vibration of Positive Thoughts
Certain places feel sacred and that is because they have a higher vibration. In fact, everything has a vibration or electrical frequency, even human beings. A healthy body typically has a frequency range from 62-78 MHz. Did you know that studies have shown that negative thoughts lower our frequency an average of 12 MHz? That is very important when you consider that disease begins at 58 MHz. On the other hand, positive thoughts raise our frequency an average of 10 MHz. So be positive, your body will appreciate it!
Integrative Health Care
Having an integrative approach to healing is essential for optimal recovery from an injury or illness. For most people, that means that we have to take charge of our own healing process and create our own healing team, going to the best health practitioners from a variety of disciplines and modalities.
After rupturing my Achilles tendon, I have been, well frankly, shocked at how certain modalities do not consider healing from a holistic view. To me, it only makes sense to address all aspects of healing: physical/mechanical healing (surgeon, medical doctor), physical/muscular/connective tissue (physiotherapist, chiropractor, massage therapist), energy healing (energy medicine practitioner), homeopath/osteopath/energy psychologist etc etc. Plus, we need to consider proper nutrition, supplementation, and adequate sleep and rest. All of these are powerful tools in the recovery process.
As many practitioners or health care specialists act in isolation, it is fundamental to empower ourselves to address all aspects of the healing process and gather our own team. Ultimately, we heal ourselves so we need to be responsible for our own healing, giving ourselves the opportunity for the best possible outcome!
The Latest Fad
As humans, we so love to complicate things, especially our lives. We want to get in shape, so we try to follow the latest work out fad. We have a goal to lose weight, so we follow a specific diet touted as being the latest and greatest. We intend to make more money, get healthier, be slimmer, relax more, be happier, so we reach for the next thing, the next book, program, class. We think adding more knowledge, another idea into our lives is what we need. And yet, deep down, if we really listen to ourselves, our inner voice will tell us what to do. First of all, each of us is unique and different. That is why there are a million or more diet books, get rich schemes, work out programs and parenting suggestions. None of them work for everyone, and often, they don't work for very many people. We might read about them for ideas, but only we know what is best for ourselves. It is so simple and yet, often, difficult to do - simply slow down and listen to yourself, really listen to yourself. What activities brings you joy? When you eat something, how does your body feel? Instead of being inundated with shoulds - what you should be doing, what you should be eating, how you should be living etc., how about listening to your body and to what brings you joy? Simplify your life and listen deeply - you might be surprised that you already really know what to do.
Gratitude, along with Joy and Forgiveness, actually have a physical impact on your body as well. These emotions influence your Triple Warmer meridian, calming it down. This in turn strengthens your immune system, helping your body fight many illnesses and conditions.