
Daily Energy Routine

Did you know that taking care of your energy systems is fundamental for your health and well-being? Many people strive to be healthy by eating well, exercising moderately and reducing stress in their lives BUT they are missing a vital aspect for maintaining their health - keeping their energy systems balanced and moving. 

We now know that disturbances in our energy field precede illness and disease. If we spend a mere 5 minutes a day making sure our energies are humming, we are contributing so much to our health. 

Donna Eden has a Daily Energy Routine that will help you balance your energies. Check it out on this video (https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=clkHOIkPaks). Donna is one of my teachers and a pioneer in the rapidly expanding and vitally important frontier of energy medicine. Take the 5 minutes a day and see what a difference it can make!

Gentleness and Kindness: Essential Ingredients for Healing

One of my wise teachers, Paulette Tomasson, taught that we heal through gentleness and kindness. I have noticed in my practice that often people approach their healing, whether physical, emotional, mental or spiritual, often aggressively. They want their symptoms to go, their emotional distress to disappear, their pain to be relieved NOW. Of course, this is understandable, and yet the paradox is that when you approach the pain, the symptoms, the distress with gentle curiosity, with a willingness to listen deeply to your body's wisdom, and with kindness, it is then that things are released and healed. And what would the world look like if we were more gentle and kind to ourselves?

Attract Earth’s Energies

Are you attracting Earth's energies or repelling them? If the polarity in your energy systems are off, then you will literally be repelling vital energies from the Earth that you need for health and vitality. When you attract Earth energies, you are bringing essential energy up through your Yin meridians and helping yourself stay grounded and in your body. When you are grounded and actually 'in your body' and not in your head, your nervous system calms down and you can think and act more effectively. So how do you make sure your polarity is correct? It is simple - spoon your feet. Take a regular kitchen spoon (stainless steel, not silver) and rub the spoon along the bottom of your feet for about 30 seconds. That is all! I know it sounds odd but it works. Correct your polarity and attract that vital Earth energy to stay grounded and healthy! 


I recently attended a lecture by Dr. James Oschman, a well-known academic researcher, where he spoke about the importance of grounding. As an energy medicine practitioner, I have observed in my clients how important it is for them to be grounded in order to heal. Dr. Oschman was able to give a scientific basis for this phenomenon. The short version is that when we are not grounded (due to wearing synthetic-soled shoes, living in environments that electronically deplete us, working in high-rise buildings, being too much in our heads etc.) we become electron depleted which disturbs our self-regulating and self-healing mechanisms. The Earth has an abundant supply of electrons and when we are connected to the Earth, our own internal electrical environment stabilizes. Grounding or 'earthing' reduces inflammation in our bodies significantly, thus helping with cellular processes related to injury repair and regeneration. Being grounded also increases our immune response, helps with wound healing, reduces chronic inflammatory and auto-immune diseases and slows the aging process. So how do you become electron charged or grounded? Simply stand barefoot on grass or sand (natural ground) for 15-30 minutes a day. Go barefoot and be healthy!

Building Your Auric Field

Amazing week, learning more about Eden Energy Medicine. One of our energy systems is the Celtic Weave. It is like a web around us that contains all of our body's energies. The stronger this 'web' is, the stronger your health! One way to strengthen the Celtic Weave is to 'draw' figure 8s all through your biofield or aura. Make small and large figure 8s all over. I find doing this slowly has a greater impact for my system. Pay attention to what feels good for your system, slow, fast, big or small lemniscates or figure 8s. May you enjoy radiant health and a strong Celtic Weave!

Boosting Your Immune System

As we move into cold and flu season, boost your immune system with this simple energy exercise - Thumping Your Thymus. This exercise also increases your strength and vitality and helps your lungs function well at high elevation like in Canmore. 

Thumping Your Thymus: Simply thump with your finger tips or a light fist on the centre of your chest, at the sternum bone, for several deep breaths. This action increases your white blood cell count and boosts your immune system so that you are more resistant to getting sick. Do this a couple of times a day, perhaps in the morning and when you are going to bed. Stay healthy during cold and flu season!

Five Minute Routine by Donna Eden

Did you do anything today to balance and strengthen your energies? In the mountain town of Canmore where I live, many people take exceptionally good care of their physical bodies. People are mindful of what they eat, they are active athletes (skiers, bikers, runners etc), and they are generally concerned with their health and fitness. So it amazes me how little most people do for their energies. We know that we ARE energy; even our physical bodies are essentially energy. When our energies are strong, healthy and balanced, we experience more vitality, clarity of mind, joy and health. Our energies support and affect the physical, mental, emotional and spiritual aspects of ourselves in more ways than most people can imagine. If you take only 5 minutes a day to do something for your energies, you will notice a difference! For Donna Eden's 5 minute Daily Energy Routine (Donna is a world renowned pioneer in the field of Energy Medicine and one of my teachers), click here: https://youtu.be/Di5Ua44iuXc.


Trauma is stuck or frozen energy in your energetic body. At some point, due to an event or a series of events, you were unable to process what was happening to you. As a result, when you could not fight or flee, your survival instinct was to freeze - to avoid dealing with what was too confusing or too painful to face. I realize I am over simplifying, but I think we can make trauma out to be more complicated than it is. Whether it was an accident, a medical intervention, physical/emotional/mental/sexual abuse or many other things that you could not handle at that time, you were not able to fully allow yourself to meet the situation and you went into that freeze response. Resolving trauma is about gently and tenderly meeting yourself, once again, when you are in a safe environment and have the support. You can then give yourself what you need to process your experience and start to thaw that freeze energetically. It is important to understand, to bring context, to what happened to you that caused the freeze, but even more important to allow the stuck or frozen energy to actually thaw. Once the energy moves and can complete itself, then you can heal fully. An example would be when a child is hit by a parent. Up to a certain age, the child will naturally be confused - how can someone who is supposed to love and protect me hurt me? This is far too much for most children to process; therefore, the anger, sadness, betrayal and fear that they feel gets shut down. Over time, that child becomes an adult who might have anxiety when anyone raises their voice or they might be unable to trust another person, shutting down their ability to have intimate relationships. Once they have met those emotions and worked with that frozen energy, they can bring their adult selves to the situations that would normally trigger them and meet them wisely. Unfortunately, trauma is a part of life. Many things can happen to us that are too hard for us to cope with at that particular time. Part of becoming mature and responsible adults is to heal that trauma, to learn from it and to become more compassionate as human beings. Healing our trauma does take courage but it brings back parts of us that have been missing - our joy, our trust, our ability to be intimate, to be vulnerable and to love. Love yourself enough to want all of you and all of your energy to be here and present.

Embracing the Unwanted Emotions

One of the keys to emotional work, and often widely misunderstood, is that you need to welcome the unwanted emotion into your system and allow it to be fully embraced. Our natural response is to resist what we do not want to feel; however, resistance or denial only holds that emotion in our field where it can and will slip out inappropriately, often unconsciously ruling a part of our lives. Embracing an emotion does not mean indulging in or acting out the anger, grief, jealousy, fear or whatever negative emotion is seeking release. That may feel cathartic for a short time but it will not heal you in any way and will often be harmful to those around you. Instead, recognize the emotion in your system and allow it to be felt and accepted from a place of compassion, tenderness and even love. You recognize the anger and simply say a quiet yes to it. "Anger, yes, I see you. Welcome. Here I am, human after all, feeling anger." When you are working with difficult emotions, it is often necessary to work with a practitioner who can guide you through this process. The paradox is that when you bring that unwanted emotion closer and fully accept it into your system, it will move and release. What you resist, stays in your system. What you embrace from a place of kindness and compassion, will release. Strange but true!

Anxiety is NOT a Life Sentence

Anxiety is not a life sentence! No matter what you have heard, you CAN heal your nervous system. Energy medicine, as well energy psychology, are effective modalities at helping you heal anxiety. I am often dismayed by how many people will come to see me who truly believe that they will always have anxiety. We then have to work through that belief in order to start the healing process. There are ways of calming your energetic system and teaching yourself how to down regulate (move from your sympathetic nervous system or fight/flight/freeze response to your parasympathetic nervous system or your digest and relax state of being). If you have anxiety, please see someone who can help you. I have so much compassion for anyone who has anxiety. And I understand how difficult it can be to even think about going to see someone. It takes great courage to heal. But please know, you CAN heal yourself and teach your system that "normal" is to be relaxed!


Are you feeling down? Been like that forever? On anti-depressants? You are not alone. Many people suffer from depression, whether long-term or in periodic episodes. It does not have to be a life sentence as so many believe! There is an energetic component that can hold the depression in place or exacerbate it when it takes hold of you, even when you have addressed the root cause. Getting out of being homolateral, where your energies are running up and down your body and not crossing over, and activating your radiant circuits have a significant impact on removing depression. Depression is debilitating and you do need to see a competent energy practitioner as well as other health professionals to sufficiently address it. However, to get you started, do the homolateral cross-over exercise described below several times a day and see how things shift. We are meant to be joyful!

Homolateral Cross-Over:

This exercise is best done slowly and can be performed while standing, seated, or lying down. Start by placing same side hand to knee -- left hand to left knee and then alternate with right hand to right knee for a series of 12 lifts. Lift your knees as high as feels comfortable with your hand, one side at a time. Now alternate the movement with regular cross crawls – crossing over the body with left hand to right knee and right hand to left knee for a series of 12 lifts. This completes the first set. Now repeat this pattern two more times ending with 12 additional cross crawls. Do this exaggerated march while breathing deeply.

Adrenal Fatigue

Are you stressed out, not sleeping well, have aching muscles, getting sick too often, feeling tired and run down? If so, you are not alone. Adrenal Fatigue is far too common in our culture. According to some experts, at least 80% of North American adults have or will suffer from it. 

When you are stressed, your adrenal glands wear out producing cortisol. Too much of this hormone leads to thyroid issues and other hormone imbalances. And when the fight or flight response is activated due to stress, you are also secreting adrenaline which leads to weight gain, decreased immunity, fatigue and more. 

The good news is that you can heal yourself with Energy Medicine, bringing you back into balance with a healthy immune system and vibrant energy. A quick tip to address the adrenals is to massage or 'buzz' your adrenal points which are one inch up and one inch out from your navel. Buzz these two points for 30 seconds each. And if you suffer from Adrenal Fatigue, see your local Energy Medicine practitioner. 

The Harm of Busyness

In our culture of busyness, striving and competition, we push ourselves far beyond what is kind or healthy. We work late to finish that proposal, go for that hard bike ride to de-stress, then stay up late to get those last minute things done. Perhaps we can do that for awhile, but eventually it takes its toll. Besides feeling exhausted and making it harder to enjoy life, living this way is extremely harmful to your hormone balance and therefore your health. Adrenal fatigue and hormonal imbalances are common, causing impaired immune function, depression, fatique and reduced ability to cope. Cortisol releases when we are stressed and wreaks havoc on our systems, making us vulnerable to serious diseases like cancer, heart problems and diabetes. Our thyroid gets affected and causes weight changes, fatigue, insomnia and many other issues. According to some estimates, up to 70% of women have thyroid imbalance by the time they reach menopause. It is easy to dismiss the importance of rest and relaxation until you have a health crisis. But do yourself a great kindness and make it a priority now, while you are healthy. And if you are ill, rest is fundamental for your healing journey. Take time out of every day to be quiet, to soak in a bath, to enjoy a sunset, to contemplate a tree or to simply enjoy a cup of tea. Even 10 minutes a day will make a significant difference. Slow down, enjoy life for a moment and be in gratitude. Being still and truly relaxing might just be the most important health step you ever take. 

Balancing Hormones

I just got back from another amazing Eden Energy Medicine course that included a whole section on hormones. Balanced hormones are vital for a joyful, healthy life in which your spirit and body can thrive. Unfortunately, so many people have hormone issues such as depleted melatonin causing sleep difficulties and/or excess adrenaline creating adrenal fatigue or excess cortisol which has been linked to many serious diseases such as cancer, heart problems and diabetes. In our culture of high paced living where stress is 'normal', balancing our hormones is so important to prevent many health problems and serious illnesses. 

A simple way to start to balance the three glands that play such a powerful role in our hormonal activity (the pineal, pituitary and hypothalamus glands) is the Rooster Comb Hold. Begin by placing the palm of your left hand on your hairline and extend the fingers of that hand to the crown of your head. With your right hand, place the finger on the top of your head, touching your other fingers. Then place the palm of your right hand on the back of your head, where your head starts to curve in. You are holding the Neurovascular points for these important glands and influencing the blood flow. Hold for 3 minutes. Stress has such a harmful impact on our health and well-being. Love yourself enough to say no to constant busyness and learn to relax.

Protecting Yourself from Negative Energies

Are you feeling vulnerable to negative energies such as verbal attacks from others? None of us like those, but are you taking it personally and having it affect your life? Over the past few weeks, I have had several clients and others in my life talk to me about situations where they are feeling overwhelmed by someone's negative energy, either through verbal attack or just a constant barrage of criticism. First, I think it is helpful to be honest about people who are really negative. They do exist, and this is their issue, not yours. So how do you handle it and how do you minimize the damage to your own energy system? For one, know that the person is wounded. Attacking them back, even in your mind, is just meeting them at a lower level and is equally damaging. Be compassionate! Then, really discern if you can meet them from a compassionate and centered place to stand in your truth. If you can, do so. See if that will move the conversation or relationship to a better place. If this will not alter their behaviour, be kind to yourself and firmly create boundaries to protect yourself. From an energy perspective, here are two exercises you can do to stand in your truth and stay centered, confident and strong when dealing with negative energies. 

The Hook Up: Place a middle finger in your navel and a middle finger at your third eye. Push in and up with both fingers and take 3-4 deep breaths, breathing in through your nose and out through your mouth. The Hook Up connects the Central and Governing meridians so that they can move together as a Radiant Circuit. When they connect, your auric field gets a boost and you are far more protected against negative energies. 

The Zip-Up: Place the tips of your fingers at the top of your pubic bone and trace slowly up the middle of your body to just underneath your lower lip. Then twist your fingers to 'zip' yourself up. This will protect your aura and help you feel strong and confident in the world.

Regression Work

As an Advanced Practitioner of Eden Energy Medicine, I do Regression Work, which I absolutely love! In the words of Donna Eden, "Regression is the process of energetically and psychologically returning to the time and place where core issues in our present lives became established. This may involve loss, betrayal, illness, injury, or other forms of trauma. When we have intractable physical, emotional, or energetic difficulties that seem to have no clear physical cause-and-effect relationships, a Regression session can illuminate how and when these patterns were created. In the energetic field of that earlier time, balancing and restoring disrupted energies using EEM techniques can be deeply healing." 

Regression work is powerful and profound because you go back to the root cause for your issue and heal it energetically at that time. 

If you are interested, contact me! 

May we all have the courage to heal our wounds so that we can step into our light and shine!

Grid Work

I was speaking to a couple of clients this week and I realized that they were not aware that as an Advanced Practitioner of Eden Energy Medicine, I can repair Basic Grid energy in a person. The Basic Grid is the foundation or infrastructure of the other energy systems, like the frame of a house that holds everything else together. If the Grid is impaired, all other energy systems in the body become compromised, making it harder to adapt, stay grounded or even heal fully. Physical, emotional, or spiritual trauma can break the Grid, affecting the energetic health of the whole person. Repairing the Grid re-establishes this core energy, which then has a positive and corrective influence on all the other energy systems. In situations where the Grid is badly damaged, the benefits of other energy interventions may not be sustained until the Grid has been repaired.

Building Resilience

In a world where we are being bombarded with energies that are not healthy, from toxins in our food, air and water to electromagnetic frequencies all around us, let alone the energy of stress that our culture normalizes, our energy systems, and therefore our physical bodies, are continually under attack and are more susceptible to break down and disease. In this day and age, our bodies deal with way more toxins than ever before and our energy systems have not evolved to handle the load. The good news is that working with your energies will build resilience so that you can handle the excess toxins and stress and stay far more healthy and balanced.

In the last couple of weeks, I have noticed that several of my clients are experiencing a fair amount of stress due to current, unforeseeable circumstances in their lives and they are doing really well. These are people who are doing their daily energy routines and making sure their energies are balanced and strong. They are so much more resilient now than they were a year ago or even several months ago. What I absolutely love about Energy Medicine is that it builds that resilience in our systems. We could go off the grid, eat organic only, and live a quiet life in the backwoods or we could build resilience in our bodies and still be a part of our community. Keeping your energies humming does just that, builds resilience and keeps your system strong, balanced and healthy.

Clearing Core Issues

Do you ever feel like it is Groundhog Day again? With all your best resolve, therapy, meditation and the like, the same issue just keeps coming up...when someone acts that certain way, you just can't help feeling triggered, even when you know you are over reacting. Or when someone yells, you simply freeze up. Or when trying to lose that extra weight - nothing seems to work. And beneath it all, you just don't feel worthy, or lovable, or you always feel that you are just not doing enough... If this sounds familiar, you are likely dealing with a core issue. In order to resolve a core issue, you need to get right to the bottom of it and clear it from there. Everything else is a band aid and that is why it pops up again, even after all your best intentions and efforts. Advanced Chakra Clearing and Shamanic Energy Medicine both clear what is holding that core issue in place, layer by layer, until it is gone for good. If you are interested, I would love to work with you. I am dedicated to people living more authentic, joyful and radiant lives and clearing those core issues is key!

Assemblage Point

I just returned this week from another incredible Eden Energy Medicine course and feel so blessed for the depth and power of this work. One of the things we learned was how to assess and work with a person's Assemblage Point which is a brilliant sphere of light that is positioned approximately a foot in front of your heart area. The Assemblage Point is a permanent energetic structure that assembles our reality from our life experiences based on our current understanding of our soul's truth. As we evolve, so does our understanding of that truth. Because it sits out in front of you, you are literally walking toward your soul's knowing. Each time we expand our perspective, the Assemblage Point stabilizes that shift and aligns our brain's outlook with the new perspective. And we walk into that new reality! However, this point can shift from harsh events, heart break, traumas, long-term negative influences, addictions etc. You are then walking into a distorted perspective and you are attracting people, events and circumstances that will be aligned with that particular reality. So if you are having a sense of disconnection, feel confused about why you are here, who you are, or where you are going, are caught in self-defeating patterns or having a crisis of faith, your Assemblage Point may have shifted. If this sounds like you, find an Eden Energy Medicine practitioner to work with over time to bring your Assemblage Point back into alignment. Walk into the reality that is aligned with your soul's purpose because that is what you are here for!


5 minutes of this a day will reduce stress, improve immune functioning, reduce ageing, help you sleep, increase your attention span, improve brain functioning, help you appreciate life more and make you happier! What is it? Meditation. You don't need to meditate for an hour, just 5 minutes will make a noticeable difference in your life. 

Simply sit comfortably, preferably with a straight spine, and relax into the body. Allow the breath down in your body to gather your attention, bringing your awareness out of your mind. Just noticing your breath will calm your nervous system. Meditation does not need to be complicated.

Start by making three commitments that my spiritual teacher, Adyashanti, recommends: 

  1. To commitment to being still and to not adjusting your body every time your mind moves. Simply turn your attention to the quietness or stillness that is already there inside of you. Even if there is noise, choose to notice the stillness. 

  2. To commit to allowing all of your experience to be exactly as it is without judging or commenting on it. You are letting go of the need to control or change your experience and surrendering to what is. When you do this, you naturally become aware of awareness - that which is aware of everything. Your mind may have a thought or a judgement but you just do not engage. You can't stop yourself from thinking but you can stop yourself from thinking about thinking. 

  3. To commit to compassionately and softly returning your attention to awareness every time you get lost in your mind. It can help to return your attention to your breath for a few seconds first. Even if you lose your attention 100 times, the key is to bring it back to awareness with softness and ease. 

With all the benefits of meditation, 5 minutes a day is pretty easy!

Our Miraculous Ability to Heal

Our body's ability to heal is miraculous. I am truly in awe of our natural ability to regain health. After fully rupturing my Achilles tendon some years ago, it only took 5 weeks before I could run my fingers down an intact Achilles tendon. And I could stand on my foot and move it quite well. That blows my mind. In just over a month, my tendon rebuilt itself. Sure, it took time to regain strength and mobility but it reconnected in a fairly short time. This is true for bones that are broken and so on. We often do not take the time to recognize the miracle of the human body. Often when we are not well, we feel in conflict with our body instead of trusting that it is doing the best it can to heal...and aligning ourselves with it and supporting it to do its work. When I see clients who hold their bodies with respect and tenderness instead of feeling separated and in conflict, they almost always heal faster. So here is a shout out of immense gratitude to the trillions of cells in our bodies that are doing an amazing job of keeping us alive and healing us when needed.
